Wednesday June 12, 1991
Wonderful, wonderful! No nausea last night. The new medication is working. Didn't sleep well though because of hot flashes every 15 minutes--Awful!
I walked Frank down to the dentist and left him there. He returned about 11 a.m. He wanted to have a Carl's Jr. chicken sandwich. I had a salad. Then we drove to Ventura. We checked out Harbortown Point. The units look real nice with all kinds of appliances.
Then we drove out to the kite shop and strolled around. We food shopped our way home, ate Pioneer Chicken and strawberries.
Watched Sammy Davis Jr. Special and hit the hay about 10:30.
I was unable to find any information about chemotherapy causing hot flashes, but I presume that because her cancer was on her ovaries, it was creating havoc with her hormones.
Mom always liked Sammy Davis Jr. When I was 18 Mom took me to Las Vegas for the weekend, just the two of us. We stayed at a cheap motel and we saw Sammy Davis Jr. at the Copa Room at the Sands Hotel. He put on a great show. Afterwards, we went backstage and got his autograph on our menus. Here's a copy of my menu. Look at those dinner prices from 1971. They were very expensive back then!
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