Sunday July 5, 1992
Up at 5:30, we're off at 7 a.m. to pick up Frank's folks at 8 a.m., then off to San Diego for Dolores' surprise birthday party at Peohe's Restaurant on Coronado Island. It's a lovely drive and a lovely restaurant. She had been told we were coming but all were very surprised to see the folks. We had a really good brunch at 11 a.m.
After brunch we go to Dee and Steve's house for birthday cake. We visit a few hours. I'm tired from my cold and cough but have felt pretty good all day. Wonderful compared to last week! I help drive home 1/2 way. It's good to get home. Dolores loved our gift of rabbit wind chimes.
Thank you, God, for answering my prayer for recovery! We go to pick up Justin at 7 p.m. but they're still swimming so Gary brings him over at 9 p.m.
This sounds like an exhausting day for someone who is battling cancer as well as battling a cold, but in spite of all circumstances, Mom is thankful for a good day. Peohe's Restaurant on Coronado Island looks like a beautiful place with scenic views of the San Diego skyline. Frank's daughter Dolores must have been very pleased and surprised.
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