Monday, March 12, 2012

Praying Together

Monday June 2, 1992

I am up and busy early--laundry, trim plants on patio. Frank helps me with a perm. I have much planned for today, a busy schedule.

Sally, Frank's ex-wife, calls at 11:30. She wants to come at 12:30 to visit. I hesitate, but quickly realize her visit is much more important than the plans I had. She arrives at 1 p.m. and leaves at 4 p.m. We have a really great visit. We pray together, twice. She has a bite of lunch with Frank and I about 2 p.m. He only came home to eat 1/2 hour. Sally says she comes here for a lift because I'm so positive. As soon as she leaves my Gledhill tenants arrive with the rent. They stay 45 minutes.

We go square dancing--graduation night. We have a great dinner there!

Mom is so generous with her time, putting aside her own plans in order to encourage a friend, and not just any friend, but Frank's ex-wife. Mom was like that, always trying to be positive and encouraging to others even though she was the one battling a deadly disease. This is the first time I have heard her mention praying with someone. Up until now it seems like her faith and her prayer life was very private. I'm glad she had the experience of praying out loud with a friend, something I do on a regular basis with my Christian friends. Matthew 18:20 says "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." I'm sure Mom felt God's presence this day.

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