Thursday June 27, 1991
Up early and off for a walk to Sav-On to buy a perm. At home Frank helps me by putting on the solutions and rinsing the curlers. He's always been great about helping me color and perm my hair. He doesn't mind carrying my purse for me when I'm tired even in a crowd. He's always looking after me--sometimes too much. He can be stubborn and obstinate at times but he is really the husband most women dream of. Why God sent him to me I don't know. I'm so lucky. If life gets tough I know he'll be there for me to do whatever is needed. I tell him often how lucky I think I am to have him. I try very hard to be the good wife he deserves.
We work hard all day packing for our trip but manage to finish in time to go square dancing. We take Judy and Dave Dowd. Many friends are there in Reseda.
Mom could have been a hair stylist. She loved having a little girl so she curl my hair and style it. Even in the photo taken in 1957 on my main page, I have a perm at the age of 4. I always hated getting them because the solution was stinky and she pulled my hair tightly around the rollers until it hurt. Mom gave Frank perms too and he helped her with hers. He was a very caring husband to Mom. I am amused by the idea of him carrying her purse in public. My husband would not be caught dead carrying my purse, no matter how tired I was.
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