Wednesday December 2, 1992
Up at 7 a.m. without an alarm to get ready to go to see Dr. Semrad. We make good time and arrive at 9:45 a.m. They try one last time to draw blood from my catheter. No luck. The important thing is the kemo goes in OK. I've lost another pound. My appetite is poor most of the time.
I have seen the woman in the wheelchair several weeks now. She's about 50. Her skin is sallow, she wears a robe, her head hangs down. She looks like the end is near. I ask a nurse. Yes, she has ovarian cancer. Is that me some time down the road? I pray not.
We Christmas shop our way home. We buy alot. I'm pleased and tired. At 6 p.m. we meet with the new tenants and sign a lease.
I feel too ill to eat dinner, but about 8 p.m. do eat some soup.
I think the sight of this woman in the wheelchair had a big impact on Mom. She did not want to spend her last days in the hospital. She wanted to die at home. Even at the very end she would insist on having her hair and makeup done and would wear a pretty nightgown and robe.