Monday, October 3, 2011

Maria's Birthday Party

Saturday January 25, 1992

We're up but feeling really punk. In spite of not feeling well, Frank takes his 4-mile walk. We check out a house for sale for Gary. It's perfect--a great location, price and has all the amenities he'd like. We spend time with Jody the realtor and head for Gary's.

Today is Maria's birthday party. There are lots of people and lots of food. We manage to stay a couple of hours. By the time we get home Frank has nearly lost his voice to his cold. I'm still coughing and blowing and quite tired.

Wow, that is inspiring to hear about Frank taking a 4-mile walk every morning, even when he's sick. I guess it's easier to do that in sunny California in January.

There are always lots of people when Maria has a party, whether it's a holiday, a birthday, or any other celebration. She is one of 9 children and has dozens of nieces and nephews. The photo above was not taken this date, but years later on her 50th birthday when we travelled 400 miles to Simi Valley in a thunderstorm to celebrate with the rest of her family.

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