Monday, March 12, 2012

Lunch With Joan Larson

Tuesday June 3, 1992

I'm taking Joan Larson to lunch today. I'm really looking forward to it but I'm so tired in the morning I can't get started. I wonder how she's feeling and will she cancel. Once I'm dressed and ready I feel alot more energetic.

Joan is ready and waiting. We tell Hal goodbye and head for Bakers' Square for lunch. We try to keep it light but our conversation keeps drifting back to issues that affect us both. When you think (or know) your days are numbered there are many things to ponder and things to get in order, arrangements to be made. We talk about our husbands marrying again and agree we want them to.

We go shopping at Costco. It's fun. We agree we had a lovely day. Joan has about a year to live. I'm not so sure about me, but probably somewhat longer.

Ever since Mom's doctor visit a few weeks ago with Dr. Schwartz, it seems her whole attitude has changed from one of optimistic to one of resignation. One person's words, especially if that person is the doctor, can speak life or death to a patient. Proverbs 12:18 says "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing". Dr. Schwartz was reckless when he dismissed her as a lost cause. If he was a wise doctor he could have encouraged her and even brought healing. So now she is talking about her death, about her funeral, about her husband remarrying, all in the last few weeks. Joan did indeed live about a year from this date, but she outlived Mom who had 11 months to live at this point.

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