Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cherry Picking in Leona Valley

Wednesday June 24, 1992

Up at 7 to leave at 9 a.m. with Jim and Shirley to pick up Robin and Delores in Mission Hills and drive to Leona Valley to pick cherries. It's a long crowded ride with six big people in our car. We go up through Bouquet Canyon, but come home from Palmdale. When we get to Leona Valley we get a map of all the cherry pickin places. We find a place to pick apricots also. The lady at the place where we pick cherries is really nice to us and we stay awhile to visit. We stop for lunch where we got the maps, a small hometown restaurant. We have great hamburgers and peanut butter pie.

We are home by 3 p.m. so at 7 p.m. we go to a movie and then come home to have dinner and watch TV.

I have had terribly gas and pains all day. It's probably all the new vitamins I'm taking.

And I'm thinking it was probably too many cherries and apricots! I had never heard of Leona Valley, but looked it up on-line and saw that it's on Elizabeth Lake Road near Palmdale. When I was a teenager my parents often took my brother and I to Elizabeth Lake or Lake Hughes, both of which were in that area of Leona Valley. I remember lots of signs for cherry picking. The fact that Leona Valley has maps of the cherry farms almost makes it sound like wine country where I live and you can get maps to hundreds of different wineries.

My dad liked Lake Hughes so much that he and his second wife actually bought a cabin there many years ago as a weekend getaway.

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