Friday, February 3, 2012

I Believe in Miracles

Thursday April 23, 1992

Another great energy day! Hal calls to say they took the tube out of Joan's throat so I can call her. I call her right away and we have a good talk. Her voice is hoarse from the tube. I encourage her to quit working. She was to retire in June anyway. She's not sure what she wants to do with her last year. I tell her to do whatever she wants to do without hesitation. That's what we've been doing.

Then I said, "I'm not giving up on you. I believe in miracles and if you believe, really stay optimistic, there is always hope. It's not over til it's over. I am praying every day for you and for me as well as others." She said she's sorry I have cancer too but it makes her feel we have a common bond.

We go to dinner at Steer & Stein and have a great steak dinner.

The pastor of my church just finished a series of sermons called Come & See, Come & Grow, Come & Serve. As Mom writes this entry, I am reminded of pastor's question "Are You A Gepper?" at week 3 Come & Serve. One of the ways we can serve God is to be a "Gepper":

G = GREET everyone who comes within 10 feet of you. Make eye contact, say hello, and touch gently on the arm or shoulder. Mom called our neighbor Joan in the hospital to greet her as soon as Joan was able to talk on the phone. She didn't wait until it was more convenient.

E = ENCOURAGE that person in whatever they are going through. Mom was a great encourager to Joan who was also battling cancer and was given just one year to live. She inspired her with her words, her actions and her attitude. She encouraged her to quit her job and live out the rest of her life, however long she had, doing whatever she loved doing the most.

P = PRAY for the person. Mom told Joan she was praying for her every day. Even better would be to pray for her right there on the phone.

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