Friday, January 6, 2012

Ye of Little Faith

Sunday March 22, 1992

Up at 8 a.m. feeling mighty stiff and sore. My right knee really hurts and my hips too. But at 10 a.m. we are dancing with our club caller Dick Hodenfeld. Many of our club members had left for home. I felt like they were all running like scared rabbits because someone said there were wind advisories on the ridge route. "Ye of little faith." God would get them home safely if they had faith and asked Him. The dancing was schedule to 4 p.m. After one hour of dancing I could barely walk. My left knee is really wrecked. Maybe from wearing tennis shoes to dance to protect my feet.

By 12:30 we are on our way to Chris' in Santa Rosa, expecting rain and wind all the way. No wind, one hour of rain, we arrive tired at 9 p.m. My joints are so sore especially my thumbs. I can hardly walk.

Mom was generally a wise woman, but on this day it sounds like she could have used a big dose of common sense. The fact that some of the members of her club left early to get over Tejon Pass on Interstate 5 before the wind got too strong or possibly even caused a shutdown of the highway for tow vehicles, seems to me like a wise move. It's hard enough to tow an RV, without having to do it in the wind.

Also, she says that when she woke up at 8 a.m. her knee really hurts, and yet she was out dancing at 10 a.m. Why did she not listen to her body? Rest and ice were what was necessary. Instead, after one hour of dancing she could barely walk. At 8 a.m. it was her right knee bothering her and at 10 a.m. her left knee was wrecked. I supposed she was favoring her right knee and injured her left one. I'm not sure why her thumb would be hurting, unless she jammed it during the square dance maneuvers.

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